Speaker Requests
API Chaya provides speaking engagements and training on key issues
Our core topic presentations include a basic overview with definitions, statistics and scope of the issue.
All our presentations include anti-oppression analysis and culturally-specific perspectives.
Our Core Topics
Domestic Violence 101
Domestic violence is an issue that impact the majority of people in society. But how pervasive is it in our own communities? And how do we respond in ways that are supportive to survivors and brings our communities together? This workshop can focus on domestic violence, our philosophy and how we do this work, or the history of the anti-violence movement.
Sexual Assault 101
Even after decades of the anti-violence movement founded on anti-rape work, there is still so much to be discussed about this topic, which encompasses many normalized forms of violence in our society. Since this topic often intersects with dating violence and racialized sexual violence, API Chaya grounds this workshop in historical context, media representation and a perspective on prevention based in transformative justice principles. This workshop can focus on sexual assault, youth and media, and/or establishing nourishing relationships with the practice of boundaries and consent.
Human Trafficking 101
A “hot” issue that is often misrepresented in the news and popular culture, it is hard to establish what is fact or myth when it comes to human trafficking. Community education and training on this topic has been a cornerstone of API Chaya’s work since our inception. As one of the very few organizations providing services to trafficking survivors in the state of Washington, API Chaya offers a unique workshop based on experiences of front line staff.
Community Organizing 101
Learning more about these topics can often lead to feelings of anger and disillusionment. API Chaya believes that education should lead to taking action, which why we do community organizing. Want to find out more about how our communities have historically come together to create change? Or create space for discussion on ways in which survivors and people most impacted by these issues can build power? This workshop draws on the rich history of the anti-violence movement for lessons on community organizing and gender justice.
Special Topics
Details provided upon request; certain topics can be combined
Boundaries and Healthy Relationships
Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention
Culturally Specific Services and Cross-Cultural Skill Building
Developing Community Solutions to Violence
Disability Justice
Organizing in Faith Communities
Queer Justice
The listed rates are based on the standard webinar for one of our four core topics or one of our special topics. These rates do not include prep or follow-up time or customization for your group. Rates are subject to change based on the additional preparation time needed for our facilitators. Our sliding scale rates allow us to offer trainings to grassroots groups leading anti-violence work in marginalized communities.
Solidarity: $75/hour
For organizations/groups with a budget under $250,000.
Standard: $150/hour
For organizations/groups with a budget between $250,000 and $1 million.
Support: $300/hour
For organizations/groups with a budget over $1 million.