877-922-4292 (Toll Free)
Our services are free, confidential, and culturally relevant.
We help survivors explore their options in a supportive environment.
You can call us in any language, and we will secure an interpreter.
Survivor Support Services
API Chaya staff and trained volunteers are available to offer support, referrals, information, safety planning, and also simply to listen, on our confidential helpline. Our helpline numberis 1-206-325-0325.
Support Groups
We offer support groups multiple times per year for survivors of sexual abuse/assault and human trafficking. Support groups offer opportunities to share experiences, focus on healing, connect with others and build skills in a supportive, engaging environment. Contact info@apichaya.org to find out about our next scheduled support group.
Additional Resources
API Chaya Advocates assists survivors and their families with exploring options and in accessing a wide range of resources and services to meet their unique needs, including resources and referrals for housing, legal and immigration assistance, mental health, food and financial assistance programs.